Interruption of journey

If the journey is delayed, due to damage or breakdown of the ship, or due to the company’s fault, you are entitled to:

  • withdraw from the contract and get a refund of the fare for the rest of the journey on the same ship, in the same class, and the fare for the vehicle corresponding to the part between the final destination and the port of disembarkation;
  • compensation amounting to 25% of the ticket price, or any other benefit, upon an agreement with the company, and the delay in arrival to the final destination exceeds:
  • 1 hour in case of a scheduled journey of up to 4 hours;
  • 2 hours in case of a scheduled journey of more than 4 hours but not exceeding 8 hours
  • 3 hours in case of a scheduled journey of more than 8 hours but not exceeding 24 hours;
  • 6 hours in case of a scheduled journey of more than 24 hours.


If the delay exceeds double the time mentioned above, the compensation amounts to 50% of the ticket price.

If the journey is interrupted at an intermediate port, due to damage or breakdown of the ship, and if you do not reach your destination on another ship at the company’s expenses and you have not exercised the right to withdraw, you are entitled to:

  • meals at the company’s expenses, when the delay is longer than 4 hours from the scheduled time of departure, and accommodation on board or in a hotel, if necessary, for one or more nights. The passenger is transported to and from the departure port at the company’s expenses. For each passenger, the company may limit the total cost of the accommodation at EUR 80 per night and the number of nights spent in 3, at maximum.

compensation equal to twice the fare or any other benefit, upon an agreement with the company.