Exercise of your rights
Your rights, as analysed here, apply in accordance with the EU law, only if:
- your flight is within the EU and is operated either by an EU or a non-EU airline
- your flight arrives in the EU from a non-EU country and is operated by an EU airline
- your flight departs from the EU to a non-EU country operated by an EU or a non-EU airline
NOTE: EU means the 28 EU member states including Iceland, Norway and Switzerland.
« You have not found a solution? »Denied Boarding
If the airline denies you boarding the plane, for reasons of overbooking or for safety reasons, it first calls for passengers – volunteers to surrender their reservations in exchange for certain benefits, under conditions to be agreed between the passenger concerned and the airline. If an insufficient number of volunteers come forward to allow the remaining passengers to board the flight, the airline may then deny boarding. In this case, you are entitled to:
- compensation, which ranges from €250 to €600, and in particular:
- €250 for all flights up to 1500 km;
- €400 for all intra-Community flights of more than 1500 km and for all other flights between 1500 and 3500 km;
- €600 for all other flights.
NOTE: If the airline offered you an alternative flight with a similar schedule, the compensation may be reduced by 50% if you arrive with a delay of:
- 2 hours for all flights up to 1500 km;
- 3 hours for all intra-Community flights of more than 1500 km and for all other flights between 1500 and 3500 km;
- 4 hours for all other flights.
The airline must also offer you the following options:
- Reimbursement of the cost of the ticket, within 7 days, for that part of the flight not made, and for the part of the flight that already took place but the flight is no longer serving any purpose in relation to your original plan, or a return flight to the first point of departure, as early as possible.
- your transportation to the final destination, with the earliest possible flight, under comparable transport conditions;
- your transportation to the final destination at a later date at your convenience, subject to availability of seats, under comparable transport conditions.
NOTE: If you select one of the 3 above options, you lose your right to the others.
For the duration of the wait, you are entitled to additional benefits from the airline, such as:
- free meals and refreshments depending on the waiting time;
- hotel accommodation, when you are obliged to stay for one or more nights or for a period longer than what you have planned;
- transport between the airport and place of accommodation;
- phone calls or e-mail messages.
Flight delay
The delay should be, according to the airline’s estimate, more than 2 hours and falls within the following 3 categories, namely:
- 2 hours or more for all flights up to 1500 km;
- 3 hours for all intra-Community flights of more than 1500 km and for all other flights between 1500 and 3500 km;
- 4 hours for all other flights.
For the duration of the wait, you are entitled to additional benefits from the airline, such as:
- free meals and refreshments depending on the waiting time;
- hotel accommodation, when you are obliged to stay for one or more nights or for a period longer than what you have planned;
- transport between the airport and place of accommodation,
- phone calls or e-mail messages.
When the delay is 5 hours or longer, you may opt for reimbursement of the full cost of the ticket if you decide that you do not want to fly, even delayed.
« You have not found a solution? »Cancellation
In case of flight cancellation, you are entitled to the following options:
- reimbursement of the cost of the ticket, within 7 days, for that part of the flight not made, and for the part of the flight that already took place, but the flight is no longer serving any purpose in relation to your original plan, or a return flight to the first point of departure, as early as possible.
- your transportation to the final destination, with the earliest possible flight, under comparable transport conditions;
- your transportation to the final destination at a later date at your convenience, subject to availability of seats, under comparable transport conditions.
NOTE: If you select one of the 3 above choices, you lose your right to the others.
- compensation, which ranges from €250 to €600, and in particular:
- €250 for all flights up to 1500 km;
- €400 for all intra-Community flights of more than 1500 km and for all other flights between 1500 and 3500 km;
- €600 for all other flights.
NOTE: If the airline offered you an alternative flight with a similar schedule, the compensation may be reduced by 50% if you arrive with a delay of.
- 2 hours for all flights up to 1500 km;
- 3 hours for all intra-Community flights of more than 1500 km and for all other flights between 1500 and 3500 km;
- 4 hours for all other flights.
For the duration of the wait, you are entitled to additional benefits from the airline, such as:
- free meals and refreshments depending on the waiting time;
- hotel accommodation, when you are obliged to stay for one or more nights or for a period longer than what you have planned;
- transport between the airport and place of accommodation;
- phone calls or e-mail messages.
You are not entitled to compensation if you are informed about the cancellation:
- 2 weeks minimum prior to the scheduled flight date;
- 1 to 2 weeks prior to the scheduled flight date, and you were offered an alternative flight, leaving 2 hours as a maximum before the scheduled time of departure and arrival 4 hours as a maximum after the scheduled arrival time;
- less than 7 days prior to the scheduled flight date, and you were offered transportation on another flight, leaving 1 hour as a maximum before the scheduled time of departure and arrival 2 hours as a maximum after the scheduled arrival time.
You are not entitled to compensation if:
The cancellation was due to extraordinary circumstances which could not have been avoided
« You have not found a solution? »Baggage
The airline is liable for destruction, loss or damage to checked baggage, provided that the event that caused it occurred on board the aircraft or during any period that the baggage was in its responsibility. In these cases, you are entitled to compensation, which may amount to €1,220. If the damage was caused due to defects or bad quality of the baggage, you are not entitled to compensation. In case of hand baggage, the airline is liable provided the damage was due to its fault.
In the case of damage to checked baggage, you must write and complain within7 days, and in the case of delay, within 21 days, in both cases from the date on which the baggage was placed at the passenger’s disposal.
If you cannot find your suitcase when you arrive at the airport of destination, then you must immediately report it to the Lost and Found Office of the airport where you will fill in a Declaration of Loss of Baggage, to be notified if it is found. If your baggage is not found within a period of 21 days, it is considered lost.
« You have not found a solution? »People with reduced mobility/disability
If you belong to this category, you are entitled to assistance, both at the airport and on board the aircraft. It is preferable to inform the airline for the necessity of this assistant at least 48 hours before the scheduled departure time. The airline is obliged to forward the relevant information to the management of the airport, at least 36 hours before the scheduled departure time.
First of all, airlines shall not refuse, on the grounds of disability or of reduced mobility, reservation for a flight and boarding at the Airport (provided you have a valid ticket and reservation), unless transportation is physically impossible, or safety requirements are not met. In this case, the airline should offer you an acceptable alternative.
In the event of denied boarding, or if you are a person with reduced mobility or escort-caregiver, the airline is obliged within 5 working days to inform you in writing of the reasons for such refusal.
If you are refused boarding for the reasons above, you are entitled to request a refund or re-routing.
« You have not found a solution? »Denied Boarding
If the shipping company denies you boarding on the ship, for reasons of excessive number of passengers, it first calls for passengers – volunteers to surrender their reservations in exchange for certain benefits, under conditions to be agreed between the passenger concerned and the company. If an insufficient number of volunteers come forward to allow the ship travelling safely, the company may then deny boarding. In this case, you are entitled to:
- compensation equal to three times the fare; or
- transportation to the final destination at the earliest opportunity and at no extra cost. In this case you are also entitled to:
- meals at the company’s expenses, when the delay is longer than 4 hours from the scheduled time of departure, and accommodation on board or in a hotel, if necessary, for one or more nights. The passenger is transported to and from the departure port at the company’s expenses. For each passenger, the company may limit the total cost of the accommodation at EUR 80 per night and the number of nights spent in 3, at maximum.
compensation equal to the value of the fare, if transportation to your final destination is agreed
« You have not found a solution? »2.2 Ticket cancellation
If you cancel your ticket, at least 12 hours before the scheduled time of departure of the ship, you are entitled to a refund of part or the entire fare, namely:
- 12 hours before the scheduled time of departure- 50% refund of the fare;
- 7 days before the scheduled date of departure- 75% refund of the fare;
- 14 days before the scheduled departure date- 100% refund of fare.
For reasons of force majeure, in particular health, documented in writing, you are entitled to full refund of the fare, regardless of the time of cancellation.
You can change your ticket, for the same or another itinerary, provided there is availability of seats, without however being entitled to a refund of any fare difference, if you request the change, up to 48 hours before the scheduled time of departure.
« You have not found a solution? »Delayed departure/arrival
If the departure of the ship is delayed by more than 90 minutes from the scheduled time of departure, due to damage, or for other reasons, for which the company is at fault, you are entitled to:
- withdraw from the contract and get a refund of the fare;
- stay on board during the delay, and travel to your destination, on the same or another ship, at the company’s cost and care;
- light meals or refreshments, throughout the waiting time;
- meals at the company’s expenses, when the delay is longer than 4 hours from the scheduled time of departure, and accommodation on board or in a hotel, if necessary, for one or more nights. The passenger is transported to and from the departure port at the company’s expenses. For each passenger, the company may limit the total cost of the accommodation at EUR 80 per night and the number of nights spent in 3, at maximum.
- compensation amounting to 25% of the ticket price, or any other benefit, upon an agreement with the company, provided you reach your destination, on the same or the first available or another ship, at the company’s care and expenses and the delay in arrival to the final destination exceeds:
- 1 hour in case of a scheduled journey of up to 4 hours;
- 2 hours in case of a scheduled journey of more than 4 hours but not exceeding 8 hours
- 3 hours in case of a scheduled journey of more than 8 hours but not exceeding 24 hours;
- 6 hours in case of a scheduled journey of more than 24 hours.
NOTE: Passengers may request a compensation of 50% of the ticket price from the company, when the delay in arrival at the final destination is double the above-mentioned time.
compensation equal to twice the transportation fare, as well as the vehicle transport fare, or any other benefit, upon an agreement with the company, provided you do not travel to your destination within 24 hours from the scheduled time of departure, on the same or the first available or another ship.
« You have not found a solution? »Travel cancellation
When the service is cancelled at the company’s fault, then you are entitled to:
- compensation or any other benefit, as you choose. The compensation must be full and cover any damage that can be proven that you have suffered.
You are not entitled to the above if:
- you are informed one week before the scheduled time of departure about the cancellation, and you are fully reimbursed;
- You are informed at least 12 hours before the scheduled time of departure, and you are transported to your destination by other means within 12 hours from the scheduled departure time of the cancelled voyage.
When a scheduled itinerary is cancelled, because of a breakdown or damage to the ship, you are entitled to:
- travel to your destination, at the company’s care and expenses, within 24 hours, or withdraw from the contract and get a refund of the ticket, after being fully and timely informed and you agree;
- meals at the company’s expenses, when the delay is longer than 4 hours from the scheduled time of departure, and accommodation on board or in a hotel, if necessary, for one or more nights. The passenger is transported to and from the departure port at the company’s expenses. For each passenger, the company may limit the total cost of the accommodation at EUR 80 per night and the number of nights spent in 3, at maximum.
- compensation equal to twice the transportation fare or any other benefit, upon an agreement with the company, provided you do not travel to your destination within 24 hours, at the company’s fault.
REMEMBER THAT: If you have a return ticket, and it was not possible to arrive at your destination following the cancellation of the service, you are entitled additionally, to return the ticket and get a full refund as compensation.
« You have not found a solution? »Interruption of journey
If the journey is delayed, due to damage or breakdown of the ship, or due to the company’s fault, you are entitled to:
- withdraw from the contract and get a refund of the fare for the rest of the journey on the same ship, in the same class, and the fare for the vehicle corresponding to the part between the final destination and the port of disembarkation;
- compensation amounting to 25% of the ticket price, or any other benefit, upon an agreement with the company, and the delay in arrival to the final destination exceeds:
- 1 hour in case of a scheduled journey of up to 4 hours;
- 2 hours in case of a scheduled journey of more than 4 hours but not exceeding 8 hours
- 3 hours in case of a scheduled journey of more than 8 hours but not exceeding 24 hours;
- 6 hours in case of a scheduled journey of more than 24 hours.
If the delay exceeds double the time mentioned above, the compensation amounts to 50% of the ticket price.
If the journey is interrupted at an intermediate port, due to damage or breakdown of the ship, and if you do not reach your destination on another ship at the company’s expenses and you have not exercised the right to withdraw, you are entitled to:
- meals at the company’s expenses, when the delay is longer than 4 hours from the scheduled time of departure, and accommodation on board or in a hotel, if necessary, for one or more nights. The passenger is transported to and from the departure port at the company’s expenses. For each passenger, the company may limit the total cost of the accommodation at EUR 80 per night and the number of nights spent in 3, at maximum.
compensation equal to twice the fare or any other benefit, upon an agreement with the company.
« You have not found a solution? »Ban on leaving the port
If a ban on leaving the port is imposed due to weather conditions, you are entitled to:
- modify your ticket
- stay on board during the ban, if the weather conditions permit it;
- withdraw from the contract and get a refund of the fare.
You may carry hand baggage, up to 50 kg, at no extra charge. If your baggage is damaged or lost, the company is liable, only if you have registered them for safekeeping and you have received a relevant receipt.
« You have not found a solution? »People with reduced mobility/disability
The company must not deny you making a reservation, issuing a ticket or your boarding because of disability or reduced mobility, unless:
- you have not complied with the applicable safety requirements;
- the design of the passenger ship or the infrastructure and equipment of the port, make your safe embarkation, disembarkation or transportation impossible.
The company is obligated to provide any possible assistance to persons with reduced mobility or persons requiring special care (infants, small children and their escorts, pregnant women, elderly persons). The assistance may be related to escorting a person, baggage handling, servicing personal needs etc.
If you fall into this category and you need assistance, you must inform the company 48 hours before the scheduled departure time. Even if you do not meet this deadline, the company and the port’s management must make every effort to provide assistance so that you travel without any obstacle.
If, although you have made a reservation, or you have a ticket, you are not permitted to board you are entitled to money refund or transportation to your destination on another ship, provided the safety requirements are met.
If your disability rate is 80% and higher, you are entitled to 50% discount on the ticket price for all seat classes by showing the relevant decision of the competent health committee. The same discount is valid for your private disability vehicles. Your escort-carer is also entitled to the same discount, if accompanying a paraplegic-tetraplegic person, a blind person, a person with mental disability, autism and Down syndrome.
« You have not found a solution? »Ticket cancellation
If you do not travel at your own fault and ask for the cancellation of a ticket issued at a physical point of sale of TRAINOSE, you are entitled to:
- a personal voucher, equal to the original total ticket cost, if the cancellation is made up to 48 hours before the scheduled departure time of the train;
- a personal voucher, equal to 80% of the original ticket cost, if the cancellation is made 48 to 2 hours before the scheduled departure time of the train;
- a personal voucher, equal to 50% of the original ticket cost, if the cancellation is made in less than 2 hours before the scheduled departure time of the train.
If you have bought a ticket online, you can cancel it if you contact customer service or points of sale, at least 24 hours before the departure of the train, at the first departure station of the train. In any case of cancellation of a ticket bought online by calling the customer service, the ticket cost that is cancelled is refunded to your credit card.
If you wish to obtain a voucher at the ticket counter, a personal voucher shall be issued with 2% withholding.
NOTE: The personal voucher for your compensation is valid for one year and for a single trip. The passenger of the original transport document should be the same with the personal voucher holder. The identification is made by showing your ID card or any other legalizing document.
« You have not found a solution? »How does it work
It means the rental of immovable property for a specific period of time, less than one year, via online platforms, under the idea of sharing economy. The platforms create an open market for temporary use of services provided by individuals. The property manager advertises the property, which is available for rent, on the digital platform according to the short-term rental procedure. At the same time, a person searching for accommodation can book the most suitable space.
Property considered suitable for short-term rental can be:
- flats
- houses
- any form of building with structural and functional independence
- rooms within apartments or houses.
Each country may adopt different regulatory measures concerning this type of property rental (i.e. taxation, maximum days of rental etc).
This form of property rental has become increasingly popular worldwide, providing an alternative way of finding accommodation in countries around the world. There are already several platforms and probably in the future there will be even more, through which one can rent property for a short time.
« You have not found a solution? »Cancellation policy
The internet platform you use to find accommodation with a view to short-term rental should clearly and accurately inform you about the policy applied if you want to cancel your booking. For this reason, you should read the terms carefully, which should be listed in detail on the platform’s website, before proceeding with your booking. If the terms are not to your satisfaction, you must ask for additional information, so that you are aware of your rights; in any case, you should be careful to avoid potential problems in case you need to cancel your booking.
« You have not found a solution? »Indications on products
In all products available in stores or outdoors vendors, there should be tags indicating the following:
- price,
- name,
- quality – composition – quality features,
- especially for pastry foods, the tag should indicate if the product sold is frozen
Price indication should refer to:
- sale price per pack, when the products are sold in their packaging,
- unit price (beyond price per pack), for products that are not sold pre-packed,
- sale price per piece or set, in the case of non-edible industrial products which in the ordinary course of trade are sold by piece or set
All items sold in retail outlets should also bear, apart from tags, a sale price indication in each individual package, which will either be engineered (e.g. set by stamp) or be in the form of fixed label or bar code, which is recognized by an electronic price control system (price-checker).
For every product sold in a retail store, it is prohibited to have different selling prices in any way and anywhere within the store.
The prices of all goods on the tags, labels or packages are mandatorily indicated including the corresponding VAT.
« You have not found a solution? »Defective products
If you buy a product that is defective you have rights against the store where you purchased it.
Defective is a product when:
- it does not meet the vendor’s description or sample,
- it is not suitable for the use and purpose for which you purchased it,
- it is not suitable for the use that similar products of the same category perform,
- it does not have the quality or performance you would expect, compared to other products in the same category.
If you realize that the product you purchased is defective, you have the right to:
- require it to be corrected or replaced if possible,
- request a reduction in price,
- withdraw from the contract, returning the product and taking your money back
For each sale the supplier must provide you clear and complete instructions written in Greek or in internationally established symbols regarding:
- safe use of the product,
- preservation, maintenance and full use of the product,
- risks during use and maintenance
The above obligation excludes products that are simple in their manufacture, use and maintenance.
ALWAYS you must be informed in any appropriate way of the probable life of the product.
When product you purchase has a warranty, the supplier must provide it to you in writing (or by any other technical means of stamping that may be available and accessible to the consumer).
CAUTION! For products with a long lifetime (durable consumer goods) a written guarantee is obligatory. The warranty duration must be reasonable in relation to the probable life of the product.
« You have not found a solution? »Shops’ operating hours
According to established uniform operating hours shops shall operate:
- until 21:00 on week days,
- until 20:00 on Saturdays,
- from 11:00 am to 8:00 pm on Sundays
The aforementioned operating hours may be extended by decisions of the competent authorities depending on the type of shops and the needs of the area.
From the above hours, certain types of stores are excluded, such as gas stations, florists, confectioneries, etc. and also shops located in tourist areas.
« You have not found a solution? »Useful information
- You can make purchases and pay with money of the official currency of the country (Euro) or with debit – credit – prepaid cards
- When making payments in Euros within the EU (the payment service provider of the payer and the payee are located in a EU Member State) you should not be charged a commission that is higher than the one you are charged for any electronic payment in your country for the same value in euro.
- All stores are required to have a POS terminal to enable electronic payment.
- The store is required to issue the legal document (proof of payment – invoice) upon transaction, otherwise, you are not required to pay. For this reason all businesses will have to post a sign at a prominent place in the shop, in particular near checkout, in which the following words in Greek and English are written in clear and capital letters: “Ο ΚΑΤΑΝΑΛΩΤΗΣ ΔΕΝ ΕΧΕΙ ΥΠΟΧΡΕΩΣΗ ΝΑ ΠΛΗΡΩΣΕΙ ΕΑΝ ΔΕΝ ΛΑΒΕΙ ΤΟ ΝΟΜΙΜΟ ΠΑΡΑΣΤΑΤΙΚΟ ΣΤΟΙΧΕΙΟ (ΑΠΟΔΕΙΞΗ−ΤΙΜΟΛΟΓΙΟ)” / “CONSUMER IS NOT OBLIGED TO PAY IF THE NOTICE OF PAYMENT HAS NOT RECEIVED (RECEIPT – INVOICE) ‘.
You should always be careful and be informed about the terms of the sales contract and the policy followed by the business by the owner of the shop.
« You have not found a solution? »VAT exemption
If you are a traveler coming from a third country (non-EU) you have the right to VAT exemption if you make purchases of products that you intend to transfer in your personal luggage upon return to your country of origin. To qualify for this exemption, the following conditions must be met:
- You should not be registered within the country or within an EU Member State.
- The export of goods must be proven by presentation of a certified tax item by the competent customs authority of the country or Member State from whose territory the goods are exported
- The total value of goods, including VAT, should exceed € 50.
- The goods should be designed to meet your personal or family needs and transferred in your personal luggage.
CAUTION! The right to exemption from VAT does not apply for:
- Food, alcoholic beverages and tobacco products.
- Goods which by their nature or quantity are of a commercial nature and are not intended to meet personal needs.
In order to be exempt from VAT you will be required to provide the original tax document, which will show the relevant VAT exemption to the competent customs authority of the country along with your passport and the products you have purchased before expiration of a period of three months from the date of purchase and then, after certification, send it within 4 months to the address of the business from which you have purchased the products
« You have not found a solution? »Driver Obligations
The taxi driver is required to:
- Have any signs marked “FREE” and “TAXI” (or RADIO TAX) turned off when the car is leased and turned on when it is not hired during the night,
- Start the taximeter as soon as you board,
- Comply with the passenger’s instructions, as to the route and destination,
- Stop the operation of the taximeter when they stops for their own reasons,
- Not pick up another person while taking you to your destination (multiple hiring)
- Not select passengers,
- Proceed to mandatory lease according to the car and passenger waiting list when the taxi is in a specially selected area,
- Give priority to blind, disabled or pregnant persons, if any, among the waiting passengers,
- Be dignified in appearance and behavior,
- Board your luggage from the pavement to the vehicle and vice versa,
Issue a legal document (proof of payment).
« You have not found a solution? »Owner Obligations
The taxi owner is required to:
- Keep his/her vehicle in excellent condition from a technical point of view,
- Display the driver’s details, car data, invoices in Greek and English, and the driver’s special permit at a visible spot in the vehicle,
- Have a taximeter at a visible spot in the vehicle,
- Control the accurate operation of the taximeter and immediately take care of any damage,
- Keep the vehicle clean (inside and outside)
A taxi invoice includes the following:
(a) the starting fee – flag (EUR per lease),
(b) the fare (EUR per kilometer),
(c) the waiting allowance,
(d) the minimum allowance,
(e) special charges (for items carried, special night service fee, special starting fee from stations). In particular, the prices are as follows:
- Starting price (flag drop) → 1.30 Euros
- Route within a perimeter zone (urban network) → 0.74 Euros / km,
- Special tariff (double tariff) for a route outside the perimeter zone (except for city traffic where there is no passenger traffic) or during hours 00.00-05.00 → EUR 1.30 / km,
- Charge per hour (for as long as the taxi remains mandatorily halted or at the customer’s suggestion) → 11.90 euro / hour,
- Minimum compensation in Athens and Thessaloniki → 3.47 Euros,
- Minimum compensation in the Regions → 3.72 Euros
- From the Airport to the center of Athens and vice versa → 38.00 Euros
- From the Airport to the center of Athens and vice versa, during hours 00: 00-05: 00 → 54.00 Euros,
- Extra charge to and from Athens Airport → € 4.22,
- Extra charge to and from Thessaloniki Airport → € 3.47,
- Extra charge to and from the Airports in the Regions → € 2.85,
- Extra charge from ports, train stations, coach stations → 1.18 Euros,
- Charge for any baggage of more than 10kg → 0.43 Euros,
• Radio Taxi → Extra charge of 0 to 6.20 Euros
« You have not found a solution? »Necessary documents
If you wish to rent a car, you should have with you your identity card or passport, driver’s license and booking confirmation, if you rent it via the Internet.
« You have not found a solution? »Leasing contract
The company should always be able to provide you with a written report, which would be preferable accompanied with a drawing of the car’s exterior and (where possible) of the interior, with all pre-existing damages, and an analytical list of the portable equipment. You can, therefore – and you should always do it – check the car for possible damage. If you find a discrepancy, you should inform the company before receiving the vehicle. The company, in this case, is obliged to modify the car condition report, according to the new data. It is important also to know the amount of fuel in the tank, when you receive the car, so you know exactly the amount of fuel required when you return it.
The lease contract should clearly report the terms of the lease, such as the price, the duration, the insurance coverage, and if the company asks for a guarantee, the amount to be paid, etc.
If you book the car via the Internet, it would be a good idea to contact the rental company, usually by phone, to learn the terms of the contract and the method of payment.
NOTE: When the contract is concluded remotely, usually via the Internet, the consumer’s right for unreasonable withdrawal within 14 days with a refund does not apply and the terms and conditions for the cancellation are laid down in the contract.
« You have not found a solution? »Insurance coverage
In Europe, all cars must by law be insured, with simple forms of insurance against third parties (property damage and bodily injury). Many car rental companies propose that some coverage over the minimum legally required limits should be included in the price.
You can, therefore, pay a larger sum of money to ensure additional insurance coverage, reducing the extent of your financial liability in the event of an accident or theft. The legally required minimum insurance coverage has a limited scope and does not cover damage to or theft of the rent car.
The proposed additional optional insurance coverage, for which you must pay an extra charge, is as follows:
Collision Damage Waiver (CDW) – it enables you to reduce your financial liability for damages to the car resulting from the collision. If you accept this coverage, you are responsible only for the deductible amount, as set out in the rental terms.
Super Collision Damage Waiver (SCDW) – it enables you to restrict or even fully eliminate your financial liability in case of damages to the car.
Theft Protection (TP) – your financially liability in case of theft is reduced.
Personal Accident Insurance (PAI) – it covers the driver and passengers, up to an amount, for death and/or bodily injuries that may occur during the rental period.
« You have not found a solution? »Exemptions from Insurance Coverage
You should know that some damages, under the terms laid down by each rental enterprise, are quite likely not covered. Such damage is usually caused solely at the undercarriage, tires and wheels, which do not result from an accident, as well as any other damage due to misuse, i.e. driving on unsuitable road, tow another vehicle etc. It is therefore particularly important to accurately know the specific exemptions of insurance coverage and drive the car you have rented, with caution and prudence.
« You have not found a solution? »Ticket cancellation
In the event that you cancel your reservation, you are entitled to:
- 70% refund of the ticket price, if the cancellation is made at least 8 hours before the scheduled time of departure;
- 50% refund of the ticket price, if the cancellation is made up to 8 hours before the scheduled time of departure;
· change the date on your ticket at no extra cost.
« You have not found a solution? »Delay/Cancellation of itinerary
If the company reasonably expects that a scheduled itinerary shall be cancelled or delayed for more than 120 minutes (from a terminal station or stop) or in the case of overbooking, you are entitled to:
- either continue your journey or being transported to your final destination on another bus without extra charge and under comparable transport conditions, at the earliest opportunity; or
- full ticket refund, and if necessary, transportation free of charge to the initial point of departure at the earliest opportunity.
NOTE: If the company does not offer you these two options, you will be entitled to compensation equal to 50% of the ticket price, in addition to a refund of the ticket price.
If the bus is broken down during the journey, then you are entitled to:
- either continue using the service on another vehicle, at the company’s care; or
- being transported to an appropriate waiting room or terminal station from where you can continue your journey, at the company’s care.
If it is a long journey (more than 3 hours) and the delay of departure from the terminal station is over 90 minutes, you are entitled to:
- meals and refreshments depending on the waiting time or delay, and accommodation and transport between the station and the place of accommodation, if you have to stay overnight for one or more nights.
NOTE: In case of cancellation or late departure of a regular service, the company is obliged to inform you about the situation as soon as possible, and no later than 30 minutes after the scheduled time of departure, as well as about the estimated time of departure, once in possession of the relevant information.
Also: The carrier should inform you properly in a way that you understand about your rights as passengers
« You have not found a solution? »Accident
The carrier is obliged to ensure your safe and comfortable transportation, and this is why it must:
- systematically maintain its vehicles and facilities;
- have all necessary support services and infrastructure;
- preserve health conditions in every possible way.
In case of injury during your bus or coach transportation, you are entitled to compensation in accordance with the applicable national law. In case of death, the right to compensation (including funeral costs) is claimed by the deceased’s dependants.
The maximumamount for compensation shall not be less than EUR 220,000 per passenger.
The carrier must provide reasonable and proportional assistance after an accident to cover your immediate needs, when necessary. Such assistance shall include, where necessary, accommodation, food, clothes, transport and the first aid.
« You have not found a solution? »Baggage
During your bus or coach travel, you can carry:
- luggage, including bicycles, baby strollers or prams, which are placed in the luggage compartment of the bus;
- small pieces of luggage (hand luggage, backpacks, etc), which are placed in the special luggage racks of the bus.
You are not allowed to transfer objects, dangerous for the physical well-being of the passengers.
In any case, the company is not responsible for theft or loss of your personal items during the trip.
In case of loss or damage to baggage, when you use the bus or coach, you are entitled to compensation, in accordance with the applicable national law, which may be up to the amount of EUR 1,200 per bag. A ceiling lower than EUR 1,200 cannot be decided.
In the event of damage to wheelchairs, other mobility or assistance equipment, the amount of compensation shall always be equal to the cost of replacement or repair of the equipment that was lost or damaged.
« You have not found a solution? »People with reduced mobility/disability
You cannot be stopped from buying a ticket, making a reservation or getting on board because of your reduced mobility or disability – unless:
- it has not complied with the applicable safety requirements stipulated by the international, EU or national law, or health and safety requirements laid down by the competent authorities;
- the design of the vehicle or the infrastructure makes it impossible for you to board, disembark or be transported in a safe and operationally feasible manner.
In the event of such a refusal, the company is required to notify you about any alternative transportation service.
If you belong to the above category, you have made a reservation, or you have a ticket and you are denied boarding, we become admitted, you are entitled either to:
- a refund or
- continuation of your trip or transport on another bus or coach to your destination, wherever this is feasible.
If you are a person with reduced mobility or disability, you must:
- inform the carrier about your special needs, at least 36 hours before assistance is required; and
- go to a designated point at the bus station on the agreed time prior to departure, which shall not exceed 60 minutes before the scheduled time of departure. If no specific time has been agreed, you should go to the departure station 30 minutes before the scheduled time of departure.
If there is no such information, the carrier must make every possible effort to facilitate your unhindered transportation, wherever this is possible.
« You have not found a solution? »Pets
If you wish to carry pets, they should be carried mandatory within the passenger area, within a safe cage, and in no case in the luggage compartment. Assistance dogs, i.e. trained guide dogs for the blind and dogs assisting persons with disabilities assistance dogs, are transported without a transport cage or a muzzle provided they are on a lease, regardless of their size.
Your pet should have a health booklet and if it is a trained dog assistant, a certificate of training proficiency. You are obliged to show these documents, whenever asked, by an authorized officer of the carrier.
« You have not found a solution? »Where to go
When you go to a country whose currency is not euro, you are advised to carry with you a small amount in the currency of that country to cover your immediate and urgent needs, because when you arrive, everything may be closed, or you may be forced to exchange your money in a currency exchange bureau with high commission.
You can purchase foreign currency in your country of origin or in the country of destination at:
- banks
- local exchange bureaus
- airport exchange bureaus
- hotel receptions.
It is, however, known that currency exchange at the airport or hotels may not be the most advantageous solution, as the commission can be high.
For this reason, you should take care before buying foreign exchange to be informed about the foreign exchange rate and the commission to be able to choose the best possible transaction.
Specifically, if you are travelling to Greece and you would like to be served at a bank, you should be aware that:
- business hours are Monday-Thursday 8:00 a.m.-14:30 p.m. and Friday 8:00 p.m.-14:00 p.m., and only certain bank branches have more extended working hours;
- banks remain closed during public holidays;
- the service is likely to require more time, because most probably there would be other people waiting to be served;
- it is likely that you will not be able to find a bank, if you are in some remote destination (i.e. villages, islands)
Nevertheless, banks remain an attractive option for converting your money into euro, as they usually charge lower commission compared to other exchange bureaus.
« You have not found a solution? »ATMs withdrawals
Cash withdrawal from an ATM is in most cases the easiest and most advantageous way to convert currencies. If you have a bank account in euro and you withdraw $500 from an ATM in another EU country, you will be charged in the same way as your country for money withdrawal. If you withdraw money from an ATM from a bank account in a currency other than euro, the charge is usually higher. Transactions via ATMs usually charge you at the lowest possible cost.
If you are travelling to Greece, you should be aware that:
- you may not have access to ATMs, or access may be difficult, particularly if you are in a remote destination (e.g. villages, islands),
you can be informed about the nearest bank branches and ATMs via their websites
« You have not found a solution? »Obligations of hotelier
The hotelier or owner of the tourist accommodation is obliged to:
- rent the empty rooms to interested customers;
- provide all advertised comforts and services (i.e. pool, sports, internet, air conditioning, parking, etc);
- give you an answer within 3 days, whether your reservation has been accepted or not;
display in each room a sign – attested by the police – showing in detail the prices (room rate, surcharges, breakfast and lunch prices), so that you are accurately informed about the cost of your stay
« You have not found a solution? »Deposit
The hotelier may request a deposit for your booking which must not be:
- more than 25% of the total cost of accommodation;
- less than the daily rate.
NOTE: If you cancel your booking at least 21 days before the agreed date of arrival, you will be entitled to a refund of the entire amount of the deposit.
« You have not found a solution? »Booking cancellation
If you cancel your booking, pay attention to the time you make the cancellation. In particular, if you cancel the booking:
- at least 21 days before the agreed date of arrival, you do not have any financial obligation, and in addition, you are entitled to a refund of the total deposit amount;
in less than 21 days before the agreed date of arrival, you must pay half of the total amount to be paid, if you had not made the cancellation
« You have not found a solution? »Failure to provide the service
If the hotelier is unable to give you the room you have agreed, he/she must ensure your accommodation elsewhere:
- at least of the same class,
- in the same city,
- with at least the same benefits, which were advertised for the initial accommodation and for which you had agreed.
Liability for theft
In case of theft of your personal items from the room, the hotelier is not liable, except for precious or valuable items and money that you have delivered to the owner, and for which you have received a relevant receipt. For all the other objects you have brought to the hotel the hotelier shall be exempt from all liability if the damage or loss is due to your own negligence. No liability is also borne by the hotelier if the damage or loss is due to force majeure (earthquake, fire, etc) or the nature of the object.
« You have not found a solution? »Pets
Pets are not allowed during your stay at the hotel or the rent room, unless there is a designated area for their stay.
Nevertheless, pets are allowed in hotels if the hotel itself grants permission, also setting the accommodation rules. It would be preferable, therefore, if you have a pet you want to stay with you, to contact the hotel and ask for information about its policy before making your booking.
« You have not found a solution? »EU Citizens – Schengen Area
If you are a national of a EU country and traveling between Member States of the single Schengen borderless area you are not required to show your national identity or passport when you leave or arrive in a country.
However, even when traveling within the Schengen area, you must have the necessary identification documents (national ID, passport) with you, so that in case of police control, even if not at the airport, you will be able to identify yourself.
Under the rules of the Schengen Convention, Member States are authorized to impose temporary border controls on grounds of public security reasons.
CAUTION! When traveling from or to a country not belonging to the Schengen area, you must have with you and display the necessary travel documents (valid identity card or passport).
« You have not found a solution? »
Citizens of non-EU countries
If you travel from a non-EU country you must show a valid passport and you may need to issue a visa before your trip depending on the country you are traveling to, your nationality and the type of passport you own (simple, official or diplomatic). If an entry visa is required, you should apply by seeking information on the relevant procedure from the list of Greek Authorities abroad issuing visas or alternatively from the list of Foreign Authorities abroad issuing visas on behalf of Greece in countries where Greece has no competent Consular Authority. You can find visa information and relevant authorities on the Foreign Ministry website, http://www.mfa.gr/.
« You have not found a solution? »Loss-theft of travel documents
In the event that you lose your travel documents or these are stolen, you must report the incident immediately to the nearest police authority and upon receipt of the relevant certifying document you must submit it to the Consular Authority, where you will also file a statement of loss. In your application you will find a detailed list of the addresses and contact details of the Embassies to contact in Athens where you can get further guidelines on exactly what you need to do to travel back to your country of origin after you have lost your travel documents or if these have been stolen.
« You have not found a solution? »Tour guides
They accompany foreign or domestic visitors, guiding them and presenting the sights, ancient or historic monuments, works of art, providing general information about Greek history.
A special work permit is required for someone to work as a tour guide.
It is illegal for someone to provide tour services without fulfilling the qualifications or to assign, as a tour operator, a person to conduct a tour without having a tour guide work permit.
An EU member-state citizen is entitled to provide tour guide services in Greece, provided that:
- this person is legally established in that member-state;
- has the legal qualifications to practice said professional activity in that member-state;
this person provides said tour guide services only temporarily and occasionally in Greece
« You have not found a solution? »Excursion Leader/Escort
The excursion leader or escort has no right to offer tour services, during visits and sightseeing tours in Greece. The excursion leader or escort is responsible to ensure that the terms and the program of the package are properly observed, exactly as they have been described by the organizer and/or tour operator, and to provide practical information and assistance whenever you need it (hotel, transportation, foreign exchange, entrance tickets, tips, travel documents, meals etc).
If the package program explicitly states that the price also includes a tour guide for specific areas and sights, it means that you have paid for tour services only for the specific one and not for the rest of the days or hours of the same day.
« You have not found a solution? »Package trip
When you join a package trip, you need to know in detail the conditions and tourist services included in the price of the package, in accordance with the description in the brochures (if any) and the written contract, which you have concluded with the organizer and/or tour operator. Some key information that must be clearly stated is the following:
- destination or destinations
- minimum number of persons, if any
- means of transportation
- the program (date, time and place of departure and embarkation)
- accommodation, if an overnight stay is included
- personal data of the organiser and tour operator
- the total price
- visits, tours and excursions to any sights included in the price
- general information, if the trip involves moving to another country, on the conditions applicable to the citizens of that country regarding passports and visas and health formalities required for travel and accommodation.
NOTE: If the price includes Tour Guide services when visiting sights or on the way there, it must be clearly included in the package contract.
« You have not found a solution? »What is it
International roaming essentially provides you with the ability to use your mobile phone when travelling abroad. To be able to do that, your provider has agreements with relevant foreign providers. Your provider pays a wholesale charge to the foreign roaming provider and then passes on this cost to you by charging you for roaming when using your mobile phone and data service.
« You have not found a solution? »Billing method
After concerted efforts by the EU to reduce roaming charges between member states, it is forbidden as of 15/06/2017 to apply roaming charges for calls, SMSs and data service within the EU. Therefore, when travelling from one member-state to another, you will be billed just as in your country of residence. Especially for outgoing calls, the method of billing of calls to other mobile/landline operators in your country of origin shall be taken into account. Apart from the above way of billing, mobile operators may offer some alternative programs for international roaming, with different terms of use and billing.
In non-EU countries, charges for international roaming are not governed by any regulation, so the amount is determined by the commercial policy of each provider.
« You have not found a solution? »Information to Consumers
Upon arrival in a member state, you will receive a short text message from your provider, informing you about:
- the applicable charges; and
- a phone number to call toll free for additional information.
Even when travelling to non-EU countries, you will receive a text message informing about the charges.
« You have not found a solution? »Price List
All dining and entertainment businesses (restaurants, hotel restaurants, taverns, fast food outlets, cafes, night clubs and other similar stores) are obliged to keep a price list, which should:
- be written in Greek and optionally in one or more foreign languages,
- be posted on a visible spot outside the main entrance of the shop,
- be available to the customer before ordering,
- indicate available products and their prices, including VAT,
- indicate the following statement in Greek in capital letters at a visible spot at the font size of the price list: “Ο ΚΑΤΑΝΑΛΩΤΗΣ ΔΕΝ ΕΧΕΙ ΥΠΟΧΡΕΩΣΗ ΝΑ ΠΛΗΡΩΣΕΙ ΕΑΝ ΔΕΝ ΛΑΒΕΙ ΤΟ ΝΟΜΙΜΟ ΠΑΡΑΣΤΑΤΙΚΟ ΣΤΟΙΧΕΙΟ (ΑΠΟΔΕΙΞΗ-ΤΙΜΟΛΟΓΙΟ)” and if the price list is also written in the English language, also the statement: ‘CONSUMER IS NOT OBLIGED TO PAY IF THE NOTICE OF PAYMENT HAS NOT BEEN RECEIVED (RECEIPT – INVOICE)’.
- indicate the following information by product or group of products:
- the indication “to be weighted” next to the corresponding item, which is offered in this way (rather than a portion),
- type of oil and its use,
- the indication “pre-fried” or “pre-cooked”, if such products are provided,
- the indication “frozen”, if such products are provided,
- the indication “PDO Product” for Protected Designation of Origin,
- the indication “PGI Product” for Protected Geographical Indication products,
- the country of origin and the producer or bottling party for wines and distillates offered to consumers unpacked,
- If salads are available, their name as defined by the store and the materials contained therein.
REMEMBER: Traditional coffee shops have an obligation to post price lists at a prominent location in the store, listing only the items offered and their prices, including VAT.
- All catering establishments are required to have a POS terminal for cards so that you can pay by credit, debit or prepaid card.
On payment the shop shall issue a legal document (proof of payment, invoice). Otherwise, you have the right not to pay
« You have not found a solution? »Cover charge
Catering facilities are not entitled to impose a cover charge (e.g. crockery, cutlery, towels, etc.). They also have no right to charge you with any product (e.g.: bottled water, bread, etc.) without first asking and you agreeing.
« You have not found a solution? »Minimum consumption
In the case that the catering establishments set a minimum consumption in the shop or on delivery, they should indicate this at a visible spot on the consumption price list.
« You have not found a solution? »Complaint form
Catering establishments are obliged to provide you with a “COMPLAINT FORM”, which should be placed at a prominent spot next to the exit of the shop. This form is numbered in triplicate and has a stamp indicating the details of the Department of Commerce of the Region or Regional Unity in which the business is registered. The following message must necessarily be indicated at a prominent spot in the price list in clearly legible letters in the Greek – English – French – German language: “THE SHOP HAS COMPLAINT FORMS, AS REQUIRED, AT A DESIGNATED AREA BESIDE THE EXIT”. You should be able to fill in your details in these 4 languages.
If you are interested in further investigation of your case, you should forward this form to the competent authority indicated thereto
« You have not found a solution? »Smoking
Catering areas are sanitary facilities and therefore smoking of ordinary and electronic cigarettes is prohibited. The law on the use of tobacco products sets very strict conditions, prohibiting, inter alia, smoking in all public, enclosed or sheltered premises. In cases of infringement very strict fines are imposed, both to the individual and to the owner of the shop.
« You have not found a solution? »Entrance restrictions
Your access to catering areas is free, as they are considered to be public spaces. The shop has no right store to impose restrictions on customer access unless there is a reasonable cause (e.g.: safety reasons). Therefore, if an enterprise arbitrarily denies admission, this is a civil and criminal offense and therefore you have the right to call the police to report the matter so that they deal with it.
« You have not found a solution? »Maximum Canteens prices
Some businesses are required to sell certain items based on predefined maximum rates. These businesses are the ones operating in:
- airports
- sport venues (stadiums, fields etc.), even if they also host other events apart from sports
- zone under the jurisdiction of archaeological sites, regardless of whether a museum of antiquities operates in the area or not
- areas featuring a museum of antiquities
- passenger ships of all kinds (ferries or not) operating internal itineraries (not cruisers)
- OSE (Hellenic Railway Organisation) passenger trains and railway stations
- cinemas and theatres and organised beaches
- courts, hospitals, clinics and institutes
- stations for intercity buses
- higher education institutes, technical institutes and other schools
The maximum prices for specific products are shown in the table below:
Bottled water of 500 ml (0.5 L) domestic or not, cold or at room temperature, according to the consumer’s preference | 0.50 |
Bottled water of 750 ml (0.75 L) domestic or not, cold or at room temperature, according to the consumer’s preference | 0,75 |
Slices of bread with ham and cheese or sandwich with ham and cheese, toasted or not, according to the consumer’s preference | 1.45 |
Slices of bread with cheese or cheese sandwich, toasted or not, according to the consumer’s preference | 1.25 |
Single Greek coffee | 1.20 |
Single filtered coffee (French), according to the usual commercial practice | 1.30 |
Single espresso, hot or cold, according to the usual commercial practice | 1.45 |
Single instant coffee, hot or cold, according to the usual commercial practice | 1.30 |
Tea (hot or cold) | 1.30 |
- Maximum prices are for take-away customers and not seated customers served at tables.
- In all passenger ships, maximum prices apply both for the tourist and business class.
Items compulsorily sold at Canteens
The items that must be available for sale by specific enterprises at predefined maximum prices are the ones listed below:
- Bottled water of 500 ml (0.5 L), domestic or not, cold or at room temperature)
- Ham-and-cheese slices of bread or sandwich, toasted or not
- Slices of bread with cheese or cheese sandwiches (toasted or not)
- Single Greek coffee
- Single filtered coffee (French)
- Single Espresso (hot or cold – if the appropriate appliance exists)
- Single instant coffee (hot or cold),
- Tea (hot or cold).
It is mandatory to post a price list, and the following notice in Greek and English:
NOTE: The prices do not apply for seated customers who are served at tables.
« You have not found a solution? »Basic information
A free card that gives you access to medically necessary, state-provided healthcare during a temporary stay in any of the 28 EU countries, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland, under the same conditions and at the same cost (free in some countries) as people insured in that country.
Each country is responsible for issuing and distributing the card in its own territory. Therefore, if you are interested in the card, you should contact your national health insurance provider.
To be eligible for a card, you must be insured by a state social security system in any EU Member State, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway or Switzerland.
If you come from a non-EU country and you are legally residing in the EU and are covered by a state social security system, you are also eligible for a card, but you cannot use it in Denmark, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland.
The duration of the card varies from one country to another, and is best to check when you contact your national health insurance provider to obtain the card.
Each member of a family travelling should have their own separate card.
« You have not found a solution? »Refusal of providing the card
If you ask for the European Health Insurance Card, your local authority is obliged to provide you with one or, failing that, with a provisional replacement certificate if the card is not immediately available. If they do not, you should be able to appeal. You should contact the European Commission to exercise your relevant right.
« You have not found a solution? »What is not covered
It is important to remember that the European Health Insurance Card:
- is not an alternative to travel insurance. It does not cover any private health care or costs such as a return flight to your home country or lost/stolen property;
- does not cover your costs if you are travelling for the express purpose of obtaining medical treatment
does not guarantee free services. As each country’s healthcare system comprises different services that cost nothing at home, it might not be free in another country.
« You have not found a solution? »Parking with key delivery
If you park your car:
- for a fee
- usually for a short time
- in an open or closed private garage
- without selecting a parking space
- giving the keys to the owner (or employee)
- allowing the owner to move it, if the need arises,
You practically enter into a paid custody contract. Practically, this means that the owner of the parking acquires the capacity of a trustee, and for this reason is obliged to safe keep and supervise the car and any objects inside it as he/she is responsible to deliver the car in the condition it was when it first entered the parking.
« You have not found a solution? »Parking without key delivery
If you park your car:
- for a fee
- in an open or closed private garage
- selecting a parking space
- keeping the car keys in your possession
you practically enter into a space leasing and the owner of the parking assumes no responsibility for the supervision and safe keeping of your car. By keeping the keys, you do not allow the owner-lessor to have access to your car
« You have not found a solution? »Parking free of charge
When parking in a space which is provided without financial consideration, usually given as a benefit by a shop to its customers, you maintain control of your vehicle, if you do not deliver the keys. The owner does not assume any responsibility in case of theft or damage, as long as the car is parked.
« You have not found a solution? »Train delay
If the departure of the train from the first station of the itinerary is delayed, you are entitled to:
- a personal voucher coupon equal to 25% of the original ticket cost, if the overall delay of the train is up to 90 minutes;
- a personal voucher coupon equal to 50% of the original ticket cost, if the overall delay of the train is up to 2 hours;
- a personal voucher equal to the total cost of your original ticket, or a refund if you contact the point of sale from which you received your ticket, if the overall delay of the train is over of 3 hours.
- get a refund at the departure station if the delay is more than1 hour, provided that the ticket has been issued at said station.
- The personal voucher for your compensation is valid for one year and for a single trip. The passenger of the original transport document should be the same with the personal voucher holder. The identification is made by showing your ID card or any other legalizing document.
- Ticket refunds at the points of sale of TRAINOSE A. must always correspond to the point of sale that has issued the original ticket. If you choose to go to another point of sale and not the one where you purchased your ticket, you get a personal voucher instead of cash, valid for one year and a single trip.
If you have made a reservation to be transferred from a main itinerary to a local one, no strict connection timetable is provided. Consequently, if you cannot continue your trip to the final destination due to the delay of one of the two trains, you are entitled to:
board the next train to your destination, within the day, at no extra cost. You are not entitled to a refund of the ticket cost.
« You have not found a solution? »Service cancellation
If you fail to start or continue your trip because there was an obstacle that resulted in the withdrawal of the train or the total interruption of the service (weather, technical reasons, strike etc), you are entitled to:
- a personal value equal to the total value of the ticket cost;
- Ticket refund.
NOTE: Ticket refunds at the points of sale of TRAINOSE S.A. must always correspond to the point of sale that has issued the original ticket. If you choose to go to another point of sale and not the one where you purchased your ticket, you get a personal voucher instead of cash, valid for one year and a single trip.
« You have not found a solution? »Accident
In cases of a passenger’s death, the compensation should cover the necessary costs, particularly those of the transport of the body and the funeral. Furthermore, if the passenger’s death means that as stipulated in the law present or future dependantsentitled to alimony from the passenger are deprived from said assistance, they must also be compensated. Law action for the compensation of persons financially supported by the passenger, even without being legally bound, shall be governed by national law.
If injury or any other violation of your physical or mental integrity occurs, you are entitled to compensation which includes:
- the necessary expenses, particularly those of the treatment and transportation.
- the remedy of the injury/loss caused from your total or partial disability for work or an increase of your needs.
The above compensations should be paid as a lump sum. If the national law, however, provides for the payment of an annuity, you can ask to be compensated in this way.
The amount of compensation is determined on the basis of the provisions of the national law. However, a ceiling of EUR 175,000 either as a lump sum or annuity corresponding to said lump sum is set for each passenger if the national law sets a lower ceiling.
The carrier is exempt from any liability if:
- the accident was caused due to circumstances for which the train operator was not responsible, could not avoid and could not prevent their consequences despite the due diligence shown for each such incidence;
- the accident was due to the passenger’s fault;
the accident was due to the behaviour of a third person, which the carrier could not avoid and whose consequences could not be prevented, despite the due diligence shown for each such incidence
« You have not found a solution? »Baggage
During the journey by train, you can carry, at no extra cost, hand luggage provided that:
- it is easily transportable;
- it is intended for personal use while travelling;
- it cannot cause any damage to the other passengers because of its nature, shape and dimensions;
- does not cause any inconvenience to the other passengers;
- it is stored in the appropriate space above and under your seat;
- it is not stored anywhere else (i.e. aisle).
As passengers, you are responsible for the safekeeping of your hand luggage, as well as for any damage it may cause, unless the damage arose through fault of the company. The company assumes no responsibility for its loss or damage, unless it resulted from its own fault.
In addition to hand luggage, you can check in extra luggage, which is transported at the responsibility of the company, at the baggage-cars, provided that:
- you pay the special check-in fee and get the corresponding receipt;
- you have clearly and legibly written on the luggage the name and address;
- it is properly packaged without any trace of damage;
- you comply with the regulation which set that the maximum weight of luggage is 50 kilos in total and 3 pieces per person and ticket. If the luggage is more than three pieces or 50 kilos, an additional fee is charged.
The following are accepted as checked-in luggage:
- suitcases, travel bags or other similar packages
- boxes
- items packed in bundles
- portable or rolling chairs
- baby strollers
- athletic equipment and bikes
In case of loss of luggage, you are entitled to compensation amounting to:
- up to EUR 1,200, per piece, if you can prove the value of its content
- EUR 300, per piece if you cannot prove the value of its content.
In case of damage to your luggage, you are entitled to compensation:
- equal to the loss of the luggage value, because of the damage.
In both cases, you are entitled to a refund of fees paid for luggage transportation and the ticket cost.
The carrier does not bear any responsibility if the loss or damage of the luggage arises from special risks relate to one or more of the following:
- no or defective packaging;
- special nature of the luggage;
- check-in luggage carrying items that are exempted from transport;
- circumstances that the carrier could not avoid and whose consequences could not be prevented;
● passenger’s fault.
« You have not found a solution? »Pets
Pets are accepted for transport in the train, provided that:
- Their transport is not opposed to the general Legislative Framework in force.
- The pets have electronic marking and are accompanied by their owner.
- The pets have an updated health booklet.
- The transported pets are placed in a pet transport box, independently of their size, with the exception of guide dogs which are not placed in a pet transport box and are transported on a leash without a muzzle.
- Animals are transported in a safe transport cage in the train of specific dimensions.
More specifically:
Small dogs (up to 10 kg) or other small pets are transported:
- in all trains, if they are in a pet transport box with dimensions of 50x40x70cm and placed either your lap or in the hand luggage area, provided that other passengers have no objection.
If not, the train inspector ensures the transportation of the pet and its owner, either in the designated seats –provided they exist in the train – or in the luggage compartment with the owner’s consent.
Large dogs are transported,
- are transported in a pet transport box of dimensions 118x76x88cm, in long distance trains, which have air-conditioned luggage cars where you have access in the presence of the train inspector.
Guide dogs
You can transport large guide dogs in the train’s compartments in specific seats and coaches, provided that:
- the guide dog is transported on a leash without a muzzle, and is seated on the coaches’ floor train
- the guide dog is not placed in a pet transport box and their transport is possible in the special seats for disable persons, if provided.
- You can bring pets or assistance animals irrespective of the company’s staff or the other passengers if there are designated areas and specific regulations are in force for their transport inside the compartments.
- Accompanied pets are not allowed in the train’s restaurant coaches, with the exception of guide dogs.
- You are responsible, as an escort, to safe keep the transported pets or assistance animals. The company bears no responsibility for the loss or any kind of accident for these animals, unless it was due to its fault.
- You are responsible for any damage that may be caused by the animals to the rolling stock or a third party.
- No fare is required for the transportation of small pets unless you request a special seat, but you must pay a fee for the transportation of a large dog which is equal to half of the price of your ticket. No fare is paid for assistance dogs.
People with reduced mobility/disability
If you belong to the category of people with reduced mobility or disability, you have the right to travel, without any discrimination expressed against you (i.e. extra charge).
Rail companies are obliged to have access rules that do not introduce any discrimination, and which apply to the transportation of persons with disabilities or reduced mobility.
The rail company may, if you are a person belonging to these categories, to refuse to book you a seat or issue a ticket or demand that you are accompanied only if absolutely necessary for the fulfillment of the above access rules.
In this case, the company must respond to you in writing, following your request, explaining the reasons of refusal or demanding an escort, within 5 days from said refusal for booking or issuing a ticket or imposing the condition of being accompanied.
Rail operators and station masters take care to ensure your access to the station, platforms, trains and other infrastructures.
In cases of unmanned stations, the rail company should provide you with easily available information about the nearest manned stations and immediately available help.
As a person with reduced mobility or disability, you are entitled to free assistance:
- during boarding and disembarkation
- when changing train during the journey
- at the station before and after traveling.
- You should contact the rail company at least 48 hours before your journey and explain what kind of assistance you need.
- The rail company should make every possible effort to provide assistance, even if you do not contact it 48 hours before the scheduled time of departure.
- You should be at the station at the time arranged by the company that will provide the assistance, which should not be more than 60 minutes before the announced time of departure or before the time the passengers should get on board the train.
- If no time is arranged, you should proceed to the place of departure, at least 30 minutes before the announced time of departure.
International train services
If you are traveling from Greece to an EU Member State and vice versa, and your arrival at your destination is expected to be delayed for more than 60 minutes, then you are entitled to:
- ticket refund for the part of the journey not made, or for the part held, if the journey is no longer serving your original purpose, and possible transportation to your initial departure point, if necessary.
- transportation to your final destination under comparable transport conditions at the earliest opportunity.
- transportation to your final destination under comparable transport conditions, or a later date of your choosing
- being informed about the reasons for the delay and the estimated time of arrival or departure, as soon as there is relevant information
- meals and refreshments, during the waiting time, accommodation and transport to and from the accommodation, whenever staying overnight is necessary.
In case of delay and if you do not ask for a ticket refund, you are entitled to compensation without losing your right to transportation, amounting to:
- 25% of the ticket cost, for a delay of 60-119 minutes
- 50% of the ticket cost, for a delay of more than 120 minutes
You are not entitled to compensation if you were informed about the delay before buying your ticket or the delay of the arrival time is less than 60 minutes.
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